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Resources & Research

If you or someone you know is in crisis,

contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or dial 911 in case of emergency.

You can find more mental health resources on the Mental Health First Aid website at

Resources: Text

Online Quizzes

PQ: Positive Intelligence™

What's your level of Positive Intelligence™?

52 Qs

The Gottman Institute™

How well do you know your partner?

22 Qs

ACE: Adverse Childhood Experiences

One of the largest investigations of childhood abuse, neglect, household challenges, and long-term well-being.

10 Qs


With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend.

26 Qs

Enneagram™ Type

Which of the 9 personality types are you?

105 Qs

Enneagram Quiz

5 Love Languages™

How do you prefer to give and receive love?

30 Qs

Myers-Briggs™ Short Quiz

Which of the 16 personality types are you?

4 Qs

Builder Personality™ Type

Which of the 4 leadership and builder personality types are you?

26 Qs

Builder Personality Quiz

9P Baseline

This 9-Prompt Baseline Tool is the most effective and non-invasive way to establish your past, present, future, and what works, doesn’t work, and is unexplored in your growth. 

9 Qs

Snapshot Quiz

Plot a checkpoint in your life about your habits, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

20 Q

Resources: List
Resources: List


International Coaching Federation™ (ICF)

Comprehensive and free directory to all published articles conducted by the ICF™ on all aspects of coaching industry research, including client-facing, coach-facing, certification-facing, and regulatory-facing aspects of coaching.

Shirzad Chamine, MBA

Resources page to the book, informational videos, whitepapers, and assessments of Positive Intelligence™, focused on learning and building the skill of being less negative and more positive.

Dr. Kristin Neff

Free and comprehensive directory of all peer-reviewed and published psychological studies on self-compassion, the psychological theory based of self-talk, since 2003.

Dr. John Gottman

Directory to all published and many free articles from the Gottman Institute, an institution dedicated to training couples and mental health professionals on maintaining healthier, more stable relationships since 1996.

Guo Ming Chen

This essay, based on the discourse of I Ching or the Book of Changes, attempts to explicate the key concept of bian (change). The concept of change is approached from five perspectives, including the attributes, the principle, the forces, the forms, and the outcome of change.

Dr. Doris F. Chang

Resource page for studying the efficacy of Taoist Cognitive Therapy (loosely formed by Zhang, et al., 2003), applied from China to a US population, led by Dr. Chang.

Woodward, Law & Buckler, 2020

This paper explores how Taoist (道子) philosophical perspectives could enhance holistic wellbeing, combining research and practical applications. Specifically, the paper introduced core principles of Taoism as a precursor to applied practises of chi kung and Ba Gua (八卦).

Resources: List
Resources: Text
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